Sunday, July 09, 2006

I thought it was Bush's fault

I thought muslims loved the Clinton's and this whole terrorism thing began on 9/11/01? Didn't Bush create this whole problem with Islam? This is what the dumbassocrats and liberals claim. "It's all Bush's fault" this is all we ever hear. Well, I just wanted to say fuck Bill Clinton and all his little brain-washed followers out there. Nothing but a bunch of commie, socialist, leftest bastards. Who sold the US out to the Chinese? Who gave North Korea that nuke technology? BILL CLINTON! Why all this business with communist countries? Now we have the threat of his bitch wife running for president. You know what she want's, Communism for everybody! If she does win, besides being fucked as a nation, the Muslims will hate her too! Death to the dirty kuffar!


At 6:17 PM, Blogger Progressive Pete said...

Well, in response to the communist bit, i guess we have business with these countries because (call me crazy) but they're part of the world...? i may be wrong about that one, but it's just a guess... a conjecture if you will.

I think that differing goverment systems can still gain things from one another (stability, technology, etc.) It's not all cut and dry like you're suggesting. We cannot eliminate a group, state, or country based on the political spectrum (no matter how much you hate them!) As competitors in the Global Economy, one can take the Nash Equilibrium. Do you want cheaper gasoline, shoes, or hats sir? Well, the only way to obtain that would be to play the global market game which involves these Communist governments.

Do you know what Socialism (not "Socailism") is? The two may be completely different philosophies... correct me if i'm wrong.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger the boodge said...

Americans could make the same product as the Chinese, but hey our business are taxed and regulated to death they move their operations overseas!

I have no problem with a global economy, it's dealing with the ENEMY that bothers me!

At 12:37 PM, Blogger the boodge said...

"Do you know what Socialism (not "Socailism") is? "

I made an error kinda like your parents!

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Progressive Pete said...

hey at least you didn't make any error and abort a baby! that would stink... literally...?


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